
Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development. The organization is working actively to introduce resource-efficient solutions leading to a shift to new business models in the field of the low carbon and circular economy. Cleantech Bulgaria has pioneered the Knowledge Triangle model in the country and is today a trusted long-term partner of industry, entrepreneurs, academia and public authorities in the transition towards sustainable development.
Since 2020, Clеantech Bulgaria is the official Manager of the EIT Manufacturing Hub in Bulgaria. The RIS Hub Bulgaria works in line with the strategic EIT Manufacturing objectives for engaging local players in innovation, education and business creation activities and mobilizing and interlinking local ecosystems with the international networks for building synergies and joint actions and boosting the local innovation performance. It acts as an ‘interaction point’ between EIT Manufacturing and local actors for promoting and supporting core activities among local entrepreneurs, industries and public authorities through increased engagement and participation in EIT Manufacturing’s funded innovation projects, Accelerator programs and competitions, raised awareness of EIT Manufacturing, created and developed collaboration with local authorities and support to the development of the EIT KTI model regionally.
Cleantech joined EIT Manufacturing as a full member in 2022.
Green Transition Forum 2022
Cleantech Bulgaria positioned the EIT Manufacturing Hub during the Green Transition Forum – one of the biggest high-level events in the country dedicated to innovation and sustainable growth. For the event, Cleantech Bulgaria organized a stand with visual representation of EIT and EIT Manufacturing in particular. The stand welcomed corporates, entrepreneurs and high-level officials who came to discuss the potential of Bulgarian industry for twin transition and to learn more about EIT Manufacturing and its programmes. In parallel, Mrs. Mariyana Hamanova, Executive Director of Cleantech Bulgaria was a panellist in the panel ‘Innovation, Enterprise Development and High Technologies’ where she presented the role of EIT Manufacturing for nurturing innovation for the twin transition of Europe.
Startup Europe Week
Cleantech Bulgaria, in its capacity of a Hub Manager of EIT Manufacturing RIS Hub Bulgaria works in synergies with Startup Europe Week and in two consecutive years organizes joint events in Sofia. The objective of the events is to familiarize local knowledge triangle representatives and public authorities with the opportunities emerging from the network and to facilitate the discussion around further engagement with EIT Manufacturing. In both events, the Hub held dedicated session about EIT Manufacturing programmes for start-ups and SMEs.
“The collaboration with EIT Manufacturing brought the Bulgarian ecosystem closer to the biggest manufacturing innovation network in Europe. Over the past years, we have succeeded to engage 10+ start-ups in business creation formats, signed 6 cooperation agreements with public institutions and universities and sustain continuous dialogue with the industrial ecosystem on their needs and challenges in the field of innovation and increased competitiveness.”
Mariyana Hamanova, Executive Director of Cleantech Bulgaria